Your Free ARE® Resource Roadmap

Simplify Your Exam Prep Journey

Free and premium tools to PASS the ARE® 5.0—organized and easy to follow.

Step-by-Step Guidance: Learn what resources to use and when

All-in-One Solution: Access links to free downloads, tips, and tools

Stay Focused: Eliminate the guesswork with a clear roadmap


What You’ll Get:

  • A complete breakdown of free and premium resources, organized by study stage
  • Links to essential tools like the ARE® Exam Checklist and study planners
  • Strategies to make the most of your time and effort, so you can PASS your exams!
👉 Download Your Free Roadmap Now!

I'm Bryn Young

After struggling to get through the Architect Registration Exam (ARE 5.0), I decided to do something about it. What started as a quest to conquer the exams and become a licensed architect turned into a system that has helped hundreds of "architects in training" confidently show up and pass their exams! 

Now I use my own personal struggle and success to help people just like you to become licensed architects. I’ll show you how to study effectively, create a plan that works, and enjoy the journey to licensure.

Get Started Here