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  1. Respectful Communication: Please maintain a polite and courteous tone when interacting with other members, even if you have differing opinions. Avoid name calling, profanity, false or misleading content, fighting words, discriminatory epithets, harassment, bullying, gruesome language, or any other form of disrespectful behavior. Any posts violating these guidelines will be promptly removed.

  2. Professional Conduct: Treat fellow community members with respect and professionalism. Provide accurate information to contribute constructively and helpfully to the discussions. Disrespectful or inaccurate comments that detract from the community's positive atmosphere will be removed.

  3. Relevant Discussions: Keep the conversation focused on the topic, specifically concerning the ARE (Architect Registration Examination) and NCARB's licensure programs. Contributions irrelevant to these subjects will be removed to maintain the community's purpose and coherence.

  4. Authentic Identity: All comments and posts must originate from real individuals. The use of fake profiles or impersonation is strictly prohibited and will result in the removal of such postings.

  5. No Promotions or Sales: We do not allow any form of promotions or sales within the community, including the promotion of test prep materials. Posts advertising test prep provider materials or any other goods and services will be removed promptly.

  6. Anti-Spam Policy: While we encourage active participation and contribution, please refrain from repeatedly posting content, links, or comments that are identical across multiple threads. Such behavior may be considered spam and will be removed accordingly.

  7. Confidentiality and Copyright: All NCARB exam content is held in strict security and confidence and is protected by U.S. copyright laws. As an ARE candidate, you are personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all exam-related information, as stated in the ARE Candidate Agreement.

By accepting these guidelines and terms, you acknowledge your commitment to creating a respectful, constructive, and secure community environment. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent removal from the community. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to your valuable contributions!

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Welcome to the ARE Community: PASS the ARE!

Are you tired of traditional Architect Registration Exam communities that lack positivity and support? Look no further! Our community is here to revolutionize your exam journey and provide you with a one-of-a-kind experience.

Join us in a positive space where you can connect with individuals who are in the same situation as you. This is a place where we uplift and motivate one another, offering unwavering support throughout the process. Whether you need someone to cheer you on, study alongside, or simply lend an empathetic ear when you're feeling burnt out, we've got your back.

Embrace the power of vulnerability in our non-judgmental community. Feel free to share your experiences, including those times when you faced failure. We believe in the strength of collective knowledge and understand that seeking support is crucial. Here, you can openly discuss even the most esoteric study concepts, such as hypnosis and affirmations, without hesitation.

Our ultimate mission? Empowering you to pass your exams with confidence and enjoy the entire journey. We want to see as many individuals as possible achieve their dreams of becoming licensed architects. With our supportive community by your side, you can confidently say, "I am a licensed architect!"

Join us today and embark on a transformative exam experience like no other. Together, we will celebrate your success and create lasting connections that extend beyond your licensure journey. Welcome to the ARE Community, where your architectural dreams become a reality!